Monday, March 21, 2011

My Big Girl

Just a few pictures....enjoy!!!

I could eat her up!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

11 Months Old

Madeline, I know I say this every month, but I just can't believe you are 11 months old today.

"I want that sign"

"OH...I got it, but I don't think Mommy wants mo to:)"

Here's what you have been up to.....
  • you weigh about 18 pounds and are still very long
  • size 3 diapers
  • you have 6 teeth
  • you eat everything we give you, and I mean everything:)
  • I am still nursing you 2-3 times a day
  • you wear pretty much all 12 month clothes
  • you started crawling right after you turned 10 months and are now into EVERYTHING
  • you are pulling up to your knees
  • you talk all day long, I think the only two words that you associate correctly are "bay-beee" and "daa-daa" I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping "momma" was going to be your first....oh well!!
  • your favorite person in the world is Hannah, you don't get that excited for anyone else and I love it

"I'm trying to get away"

Laughing soooo hard at Hannah

I am very busy planning your 1st birthday party. I know it is more for me and I promised Daddy that I will not go this crazy for all the others...maybe:)

We love you my beautiful Madeline.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Candle Makeover

I am so ready for Spring!!!

I can't remember where I found this cute idea, but I decided to mimic it tonight.
I took two plain white candles and wrapped them in pink fabric and then wrapped burlap on top of that. Then added a cute flower.
I'm loving how they turned out.

Happy Spring!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend Playdate

Two of my favorite families came to visit us this weekend.
The Copelands and the Garrett's!!!
We had such a great time getting all of us together and letting our sweet kids play.

Madeline was so excited to see Harper.
We were pretty sure Madeline said her very first word as soon as she saw Harper....she!!! We all screamed.
I have to remember to write that down in her baby book.

Beautiful Harper

Christi has become so good with her camera, so we decided to get the kids all dressed and take a few. These are with my camera, but I can't wait to see what Christi's look like.

I just realized that I did not get on picture of Tiff and Robby...hopefully Christi did.

I wish we all lived closer and could do this every weekend.
We had a blast.

Friday, March 4, 2011

We're married....Again!!!!

Last night Corey and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary!
We were also so excited to have our marriage blessed in the Catholic church as well.
It was such a nice and small ceremony.
I am lucky enough to get to marry my best friend twice...I love you Corey!

Prepare for picture overload..just want to remember this very special day.

Thank you to all of my wonderful friends and family that blessed us by coming to celebrate with us.
We love you all dearly.
