Monday, March 23, 2009

Mixed Emotions

My emotions have been on a roller coaster today.

I have two friends from kindergarten...can you believe it???? And we are still, to this day, very close. of them...Mary, was blessed with a beautiful little BOY today. His name is Christopher Igantious. The sex was a surprise! I could never do that, but it was fun to be apart of it with her. Both baby and mom are doing very well.
On the flip side of that emotional scale, my other friend Stephanie is also pregnant. She found out 2 weeks ago that her 14 wk old little girl was diagnosed with Trisomy 13. This is a deadly chromosomal disorder. The baby would either go full term and pass away quickly after or pass away in utero. She went today and they were unable to find a heartbeat. She was sad, sad, sad today. She is going in for her D&C tomorrow morning. Please keep her and Dave in your prayers.
Like I said.....a day full of emotion.
Thank you God for giving me the ability to be there for my two very dear friends. I love you both, girls.
All my love,

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