Today I am remembering my four precious little babies who are in Heaven.
The past two years I have never really wanted to celebrate this day. This year is different for me, I have my Madeline now. And I know that some how some way God needed for me to lose those four babies to get here be with my Madeline.
I can never understand why I had to endure such pain or why any mother would have to endure such pain, but I do know this....I am a better person, mother and wife because of it.
I love my God
I love my four babies in Heaven
I love my Madeline
The past two years I have never really wanted to celebrate this day. This year is different for me, I have my Madeline now. And I know that some how some way God needed for me to lose those four babies to get here be with my Madeline.
I can never understand why I had to endure such pain or why any mother would have to endure such pain, but I do know this....I am a better person, mother and wife because of it.
I love my God
I love my four babies in Heaven
I love my Madeline
Both the tragedies and the joys do help us grow. What a beautiful healing perspective you have gotten, not trying to understand but to accept. AS paraphrasing the Serenity Prayer,"Help me to know the things I can change and those I cannot and the wisdom to know the difference.And in all things give praise!