Friday, September 24, 2010

Play Date

Today Madeline and I had to get ready for our big play date!!!
I had to run and wash my hands so I set her in her crib and she LOVED it! She was giggling so much that I had to grab the camera...of course as soon as I did she lost her smiles:(

I am pretty sure she was pretending to be asleep so I would stop flashing the camera in her eyes..ha!

I put her in her exersaucer and she seems to like it for a bit.

A little while later our friends came over.
This is little Lauren and Madeline holding hands..I think they love each other..just like her mommy and I do:)

Here's a close up of those sweet hands

Baby Christopher...Mary's son
So, so sweet.

Mary and Steph...Steph has my baby..not hers...where was little Lauren??

And here are the girls right before they left...I don't think Madeline wanted her to leave.

We had such a nice time...thanks girls for coming out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having us. So fun! I love Madeline's fuzzy head!! We need to do that more often - especially now that the girls can "play"
